The New Jersey Campus Compact 'Virtual Hub' holds many documents and other files that contain a plethora of information relating to faculty resources and service learning. To join this Virtual hub, visit the NJ Campus Compact page and click the 'Join Group' button in the top riht corner.
All files in this folder can be found by clicking any of the following links. If you are looking for a specific document that is related to any of the subjects listed below, follow thier links to that secific folder.
Communiy Partnerships
- Communiy-University Partnerships: What Do We Know?
- Researchers and Their Communities: The Challenge of Meaningful Community Engagement - CTSA Community Engagement Key Function Committee & CTSA Community Engagement Workshop Planning Committee
- Working Guidelines for Community-Univesity Partnerships
- Partnerships in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement - Bringle, Clayton & Price
- Powerm rivelege, and the Public: The Dynamics of Community-Univesity Collaboation - Byron White
- Developing and Sustaining High Quality Communiy-Campus Partnerships: Perspectives and Replicable Practices - New England Campus Compact
- Teaching and Learning Civility - Peter Levine
- Benchmarks for Campus/Community Partnerships - Torres & Schaffer
- A Tool to Develop and Nurture Campus-Community Partnerships - Conneticut Campus Compact
- Recipricocity in Community Engaged Scholarship: Oportunities and Challenges - Patti Clayton
- Education for Deliberative Democracy: The Long-term Influence of Kids Voting USA - McDevitt & Kiousis
Democratic Engagement
- Democratic Engagement
- Collective Impact
- Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work - Hanleybrown, Kania, & Kramer
- Democratic Engagement White Paper - Saltmarsh, Hartley, & Clayton
- From Soft Skills to Hard Data: Measuring Youth Program Outcomes
- Powerpoints
- New Jersey's Promise Communities Pilot
- Promise Scholarship Programs: Building Assets for Community Change
- Connecting for Good: How Colleges and Universities Can Work Together to Improve Conneticut's Civic & Economic Health - Conneticut Campus Compact
- Civc Halth and Unemployment II: The Case Builds
- Connecting Workforce Development and Civic Engagement: Higher Education as Public Good and Private Gain
- Continuous Improvement in Education - Park, Hironaka, Carver, & Nordstrom
- Striving for Student Success: A Model of Shared Accountability - Bathgate, Colvin, Silva
- Rebuilding Communities: Education's Central Role in Mobilizing Community Reform - Maeroff
- Promise Neighborhod Initiative
- Collective Impact Resoureces
Engaged Scholarly Policies
- Grants for Engaged Scholars - Richard Stockton, College of New Jersey
- Interrogating Assumptions
- Stewards of Place (pdf)
- Thomas Elrich Award
- Promotion and Tenure Policies and Guidelines
- ESAC Framework for Community Engaged Scholars
- ERCC Policy Examples
- Documentation & Evidence
- Criteria
- Value Defining
- Peer Review
- Engaged Scholarship Checklist
- Greater Purpose (pdf)
- Democratic Engagement
- Clayton Reciprocity Toolkit
Engagement Professionals
- Making it Matter
- The Brand Called "You" - Tom Peters
- Building a Leadership Brand - Ulrich & Smallwood
- The Diversity Scorecard: A Learning Approach to Institutional Change - Estella Bensimon
Excellence Applied
- Engaged Civic Learning Couse Design Workbook - Rutgers-Camden
- How Civic Engagement Influences Divers Students' Outcomes: A Quantitative Critical Approach
- Higher Education Exchange
- Civic Studies
- A Prmising Connection: Increasing College Access and Success through Civic Engagement
- Handbook for Civic Scholars - Drew Univesity Center for Civic Engagement
- Post-Graduation and Civic Outcomes for High Financial Need Students of a Multi-Campus, Co-Curricular Service-Learning College Program
- Engaging with Difference Matters: Longitudinal Student Outcome of Co-Curricular Service-Learning Programs
- Envisioning a Framework for the Engaged Citizen - Conneticut Campus Compact
- A Four Year Community Service Scholarship Program Model - The Bonner Scholars Program
- Co-Curricular Competency: Civic Engagement
- Educating the Civic Professional: Reconfigurations and Resistances - Scott Peters
- Pathways into Leadership: A Study of YouthBuild Graduates
- Core Competencies in Civic Engagement; A Working paper in the Center for Engaged Democracy's Policy Papers Series
- Student Civic Learning Outcomes
- Civic Engagement Value Rubrics
- Weber State University
- Association of American Colleges & Universities
- Defining Degress: A New Diection for American higher ducation t be Tested and Developed in Partnership with Faculty,Students, Leaders and Stakeholders
- Civic Minded Professionalism
- Student Developmental Models of Civic Learning
- Establishing Progressive Milestnes for Civic Learning
- Civic Engagement as a Straegy to Improve Retention and Success
- Resources
- Civic Minded Professionalism
- Student Developmental Models of Civic Learning
- Establishing Progressive Milestnes for Civic Learning
- Civic Engagement as a Straegy to Improve Retention and Success
Issues Overview
- Narative on the Issues
- Issues of Our Time: An Issues Brief for New Jersey Campus Compact
Other Inclusion Policies
Social Connectedness
Documents and other files include information about the social issues our communities are facing today. There is an extra emphasis on youth education and how civic engagement can lead to higher high school and undergraduate graduation rates.
NJ Campus Compact gives faculty who join their Virtual Hub, the chance to participate in discussion by posting questions, thoughts, and opinions about experiential learning and how that affects both the classoom and the community. To learn more or see the other discussion threads, follow the link above.
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