

Page history last edited by Community Engagement 11 years, 7 months ago



  • Reflection describes the process of deriving meaning and knowledge from experience and occurs before, during and after a service-learning project. Effective reflection engages both service-learning leaders and participants in a thoughtful and thought-provoking process that consciously connects learning with experience. It is the use of critical thinking skills to prepare for and learn from service experiences. --National Service-Learning Clearinghouse 



Benefits of Reflection


  • Connects coursework and theory with service in the community

  • Develops critical thinking skills

  • Challenges assumptions and opinions formed out of experience

  • Understand the complexity of the need for the service in a large context

  • Transformational   


Reflection Activites

  There are many effective and fun ways for your students to reflect on their service-learning experience beyond using journal entries and papers. Below are examples of how reflection has been integrated into service-learning courses










Articles on Reflection



Helpful Websites

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