Assessment and Evaluation
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last edited
by Community Engagement 10 years, 1 month ago
Rubric Examples
Websites and Online Sources for More Information
- American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) is the leading national association concerned with the quality, vitality, and public standing of undergraduate liberal education.
- American Association of State Colleges and Universities runs the American Democracy Project, a multi-campus initiative focused on higher education's role in preparing the next generation of informed, engaged citizens
- Building a Better World is a wiki with peer-reviewed articles, syllabus examples, curriculum development, and reflection activities for local and international service-learning.
- Campus Compact is a member organization of universities and colleges committed to educating students to become active citizens who are well equipped to develop creative solutions to society's most pressing issues
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and research center devoted to encourage and uphold the profession of the teacher
- CIRCLE (Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement) conducts and publishes research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans
- National Service-Learning Clearinghouse is Learn & Serve America's comprehensive resource for finding definitions, resources, examples, models, and programs.
Assessment and Evaluation
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